Madison Park is full of upcoming holiday festivities

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As winter darkness arrives earlier each day, late October saw the much-anticipated lighting of the trees along the Madison Park business corridor. The plan is to have the lighting remain year-round to ensure safety and sparkle to the neighborhood. Thanks so much to Parkshore and the businesses and neighbors who rallied to raise the funds to bring back the lights to Madison Park and keep them twinkling all year. The trees are decorated for the season with Holiday Ornaments, thanking the donors.

Oct. 28 also debuted the inaugural Boos and Brews restaurant and bar hop and Oct. 31 brought back to traditional Trick or Treating in the Madison Park business district.

What else to look forward to in November and December:

Friends of Madison Park is promoting two dates for SHOP LOCAL — Nov. 11 and Dec. 9. If you are looking for that special something for family or friends for the holidays, browse our own neighborhood stores for those items- from books to wines, from cooking wares to the perfect jewelry piece, from flowers to clothing, from framed art or photos to toys- Madison Park, Arboretum Court and Madison Valley have everything you need. No need to hassle with crowds in large malls or the buyers’ regrets of ordering online, SHOP LOCAL simplifies your holiday time and helps our local shops to thrive and remain in our community.


Nov. 28 is national Giving Tuesday Day. Please think of becoming a Circle of Friends member by donating to Friends of Madison Park as a recurring donor or a one-time donation. Check our Donation Page to make your gift. Friends is hoping to find a matching donor for that Giving Tuesday Drive. Please reach out to if you would like to partner with us for that drive.


Dec. 9 is a full day in Madison Park. SHOP LOCAL includes The Red Wagon’s annual Santa visit and Toy Drive, benefiting Well Spring Family Services. There will also be a Holiday Artisan Marketplace in the Bank of America parking lot, featuring local artists selling their wares. The day is capped off with the lighting of the Tree in the Park at 5 p.m. accompanied by caroling and more.


Dec. 21 Christmas Ships arrive in Madison Park at 8:40 that evening but the good news for all is that Santa will be visiting from 6 to 9 at the Bathhouse, along with cookies and punch. Thank you, Windermere Madison Park for providing free Santa photos for families. Thank you too to Madison Park Coop Preschool and Parkshore for providing goodies and the space for Santa to visit.