Volunteers are needed for the final garden work party of the fall at the Prospect Street Preserve street end at 41st East and Prospect, just north of the Seattle Tennis Club. The work party is from 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 17. Volunteers will be weeding and spreading mulch to prepare the garden for winter. People are asked to bring gardening gloves and preferred garden tools. Coordinator Octavia Chambliss has also created a new GoFundMe website to support efforts at the street preserve. Donations from community members will be used for upkeep at the garden. Go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-prospect-preserve-road-end-park?qid=b152a79100ed34c8680bbd16374fed58 to donate.
“This is a large site, and volunteers alone may not be enough to help maintain and have the preserve thrive,” Chambliss wrote in an email.
The Prospect Street Preserve project was spearheaded by the late Gene Brandzel, a longtime Madison Park resident and member of the Friends of Street Ends organization. Volunteers are always needed to help maintain the Madison Park nature preserve as well as other Seattle street end projects.
Chambliss said they are also searching for a new Prospect Street volunteer coordinator for future years.
This person would work with the city to coordinate three to four work parties a year, ensure irrigation is maintained by the city and help recruit volunteers for weeding, planting, mulching as needed.
Anyone interested can contact Chambliss at 206-295-2979 or octaviagarden@gmail.com.