Is human biology based on quantum physics?


Our five senses give us direct access to the world around us. We feel a cool breeze on our face, take a sip of hot coffee and our sense of touch is activated. As soon as our eyes open in the morning, we are taking in visual information that allows us to operate in the world.

There is nothing new about our ability to use our senses. Human beings throughout history have been using their five senses to navigate through life.

What is new, however, is our understanding of how human sensory perception operates.

Science is now revealing that our senses operate based on principles of quantum physics. And you could say this discovery happened by accident.

We may never have found this out if there wasn’t an interest in producing technology to mimic human sensory experience. It was research aimed at developing improved virtual reality technology that unlocked this new understanding of how human biology operates. 

Spurred on by the desire to create a virtual reality that feels as real or as close to real experiences as possible, we happened to find out that the real magic exists within us.

Our sense of touch

While trying to develop sensory technology to take virtual reality to the next level, scientists discovered that creating an artificial sense of a tactile experience is a challenging proposition. 

And we are only beginning to understand why — it turns out that our sense of touch operates based on quantum physics principles. We now know that human touch perception involves sensing vibrational fields at a quantum level of reality. Our sense of touch is not just physical. We perceive invisible waves of energy. 

This finding suggests we have access to more information through our senses than we realize. At any given moment, we are sensing more than we consciously recognize. Our sense of touch and human sensory perception, in general, are far more complex than science once thought. Our senses are operating, regardless of whether we consciously know it or not, based on principles of quantum physics.  

Our sense of sight

We can see just what is in the physical dimension. Right? Wrong! Research has shown that humans have the capability to perceive visually at the quantum level of one photon. This little-known science reveals what the mystics have written about: we are far more than simply physical creatures. We are multidimensional beings. 

There’s a lot to consider here. If we operate not just in the physical, material world but in the quantum world, then that is a game-changer. For in the quantum world, nothing is fixed.

According to a key principle of the quantum world, everything is in superposition, which means it’s all up for grabs. Nothing is fixed. Our fate is not determined. Instead, our consciousness will dictate our reality. The decisions we make, the way we perceive our life and our relationships determine our experience of life. Our reality is quite possibly far more subjective than we may have thought. 

All of this goes to show that human biology is simply awe-inspiring. Our ability to take in the world around us - to see, taste, and touch - how these natural abilities operate is beyond impressive. 

We, humans, are stunningly sophisticated in our design. Just recently, the most prestigious science journal in the world, Nature, published a paper that shows how DNA operates based on quantum physics principles. The authors explain that it is necessary to employ the principles of quantum physics to understand the natural workings of DNA within human beings. 

Interesting enough, the last line of this scientific paper is as follows: “God created the most perfect quantum computer: the DNA.”  

The bottom line is that human biology is nothing less than amazing. And we might not have discovered this at all. It's ironic that the pursuit to develop more advanced technology accidentally led us to discover that the most sophisticated technology is already inside of us. 

Jenny Martin is a psychologist and resident of Madison Park. Follow her on X @JennymartinDr