Annual donation, paper shredding event coming May 4


On Saturday, May 4, local residential Realtor Ken Graff will be sponsoring his annual secure document paper shredding, electronics recycling, and charitable donation event. 

Donations of household goods, clothing and bedding are accepted.

This year, Graff is encouraging attendees to consider bringing and donating hygiene items such as soap, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrushes/toothpaste, and menstrual products which will be delivered Seattle Women’s Homeless Shelter – YWCA Angeline’s Day Center. 

Computer/laptop drives will be wiped clean before recycling. 

The event takes place in the lower parking lot at the AGC Building at 1200 Westlake Ave N. Follow Ken Graff’s Open House signs down the ramp; parking is free. 

The event time is 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and custom coffee drinks and donuts will be hosted. Most electronics are acceptable, but the vendor is unable to accept alkaline batteries, vacuums, CRT TVs, and CRT monitors as part of this collection event. 

For a detailed list of what electronics can be donated, or for any questions regarding the event, contact Ken Graff at