30 Acts of Kindness List

(not in order of completion)

1. Plant bulbs at Cowen Park

2. Clean street blocks on University Way

3. Bake and give away 30 pies

4. Build and put up 30 bat houses

5. Take 30 trips of alternative transportation to school

6. Create care packages for homeless kids

7. Trick or Treat for UNICEF

8. Pick up litter at Cowen Park

9. Clean up a Puget Sound beach

10. Give "warm fuzzies" to people

11. Send thank-you notes and cookies to firefighters, police and bus drivers

12. Donate books and videos to Children's Hospital

13. Donate toys to Pathways to Women

14. Make gingerbread houses with homeless kids

15. Donate money to help animals

16. Support a school in the Amazon

17. Sing at a senior center

18. Donate money to protect the Peruvian rainforest

19. Write letters to protect Puget Sound

20. Do something nice for senior citizens at Hamilton House

21. Create care packages for Tent City

22. Help Animal Talk Shelter

23. Send postcards to sister school in Thailand

24. Read to preschoolers for 30 minutes

25. Send cards to cheer up kids at Children's Hospital

26. Make booklet of 30 holiday memories from senior citizens

27. Donate blankets to the Chief Seattle Club

28. Donate clothes to Providence Hospitality House

29. Create list of 30 things we are grateful for

30. Donate 30 pounds of food per family to the food bank

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