Are you optimistic about 2005?

Seana Lynch

Yes, I'm excited about new friendships, and also, this holiday season, my boyfriend's family accepted me as family.

Decker Beaumont

On a personal level, yes. This past year has been building up to good things. As far as the state of the world, I'm not terribly optimistic.

Ilsa Govan

Yes, absolutely. This past year has been one of the best years of my life. I feel like I've reached a balance between serious political work and a serious social life.

Sean MacLean

Personally, yes. It happens to be a great time for me. I just moved here and I love this city. Politically, I think we are living in the most dangerous time our country has ever known. Fanaticism has become the new politics.

Sakina Ansari

Yes. It can't be any worse than last year. Personally, and on a national level.

Trent Cammer

No. I think we are headed towards a Vietnam-like situation in Iraq. It's a fiasco. My cousin is over there. The whole thing is a joke. We're in for four more years of misery.

Susie Barron

No. I tried being optimistc last year and it didn't stick.

Rob Frishkoff

I'm optimistic. I just got a new job. Last year wasn't so good so I have to be optimistic about this year.


Yes. I look forward to long walks in the park and chewing on my mom's new leather boots.[[In-content Ad]]