Chickens and eggs: look in the fridge for urban vandals

It was interesting in your article on vandalism in the last issue ('Graffiti: Taggers hitting alleys, frustrating homeowners, police,' May 25) that "tagging" was perceived to be worse that "egging." The former leaves a mark on property, but the latter leaves a mark on people.

There are reports coming from all over Magnolia of violent, late-night egg attacks that are meant to terrorize homeowners in their sleep. Apparently, teams of driving-age teens work together to target bedroom and living room windows with a barrage of eggs that is designed to even break windows whenever possible.

And it's not just an occasional drive-by lob or two. One miscreant will trespass close to a house and hit windows with multiple eggs thrown at full force, while the other plays getaway driver. On one block near the water tower, every house was hit one recent night.

The terrifying noise that cracks open the night is enough to cause kids to wake up screaming, and the elderly to reach for their heart medicine. It is not a joke, like getting tee-peed in high school, and the clean-up can be costly when the window washers and painters arrive.

What is the antidote? To catch them. The police say they are all from local families.

Some suggestions are to call 911 when the first egg hits; to keep a camera on the nightstand and get pix of their license; install motion-detection lights outside; and, if you have teenagers, keep tabs on the fridge to see if eggs keep disappearing.

If you work in a store, call 911 when a group of teens makes a big, suspicious egg buy.

Also, you can start a block watch program, and encourage your law abiding teens to rat on a rat.

We can sit around for hours and debate what turns some juveniles into delinquents who have no remorse about terrorizing their own neighbors, but I'd rather they contemplate their own fate after they have been turned over to the criminal justice system. "Loser" has to be high on the diagnostic flow chart. So pay attention, talk to your neighbors and keep 911 on speed dial.

And keep checking the refrigerator.

Vic Barry is president of the Magnolia Community Club.[[In-content Ad]]