The following information was provided by the city’s Department of Planning and Development. Written comments on projects should be mailed to 700 Fifth Ave., Suite 2000, P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019.
Appeals are made to the Office of the Hearing Examiner, Seattle Municipal Tower, 40th Floor (SMT-40-00), 700 Fifth Ave., Suite 4000, Seattle, WA 98104. Appeals must be accompanied by a $50 filing fee in a check payable to the City of Seattle.
The project number is in parentheses. For more information, call 684-8467.
Permit applications
2323 E. DENNY WAY (3015294) for a Land Use Application to allow a single-family residence on a 1,000-square-foot lot. The following approvals are required: Variance to allow a residential unit on a lot of less than 1,600 square foot. Building permit may be needed but was not included in this application. Written comments accepted through Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Permit decisions
1935 42ND AVE. E. (3014558) on an Administrative Design Review to allow a two-unit rowhouse with surface parking for two vehicles. Existing single-family residence to be demolished. The following appealable decision has been made based on submitted plans: Administrative Design Review to locate parking within 6 feet of a street side lot line conditionally granted. The hearing examiner must receive appeals of this decision no later than Sept. 12.
717 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WAY S. (3014889) on a Land Use Application to allow six single-family residences. Parking for six vehicles to be provided within structures. Determination of Non-Significance with conditions (no Environmental Impact Statement required). Environmental review completed, and project conditioned as applicable. This DNS is issued using the optional DNS process in WAC 197.11.355 and SMC 25.05.355. The comment period was originally published on March 28, 2013, and there is no further comment period on this DNS. The hearing examiner must receive appeals of this decision no later than Sept. 12,
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