LETTERS | Outgoing Bard's contributions to be missed

Outgoing Bard’s contributions to be missed

The Madison Park Community Council (MPCC) would like to take a moment to say thank you to Wes Bard, executive director of Park Shore Retirement Community, who will be leaving Park Shore at the end of September. 

Wes has been an active member of the Madison Park Business Association and a great friend to the MPCC. Under Wes’ leadership MPCC has received yearly donations, which have allowed us to pay for the maintenance of McNae Triangle Park in front of Bing’s Restaurant, as well as provided funds for the major portion of a sound system that we purchased. 

He has been a faithful friend by providing space for our larger community meetings to be held at the retirement facility. 

When our Emergency Snow Brigade was planned and organized this past winter, Wes offered his help. 

His willingness to hear and participate in the community’s needs has been a gift to us all. We want to wish him well as he moves on and again offer our sincere thanks for being a generous member to our community. 

Gail Irving, president

Madison Park Community Council

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