MCC to ask tough questions of police

The Magnolia Community Club will hold its General Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 7 p.m. at Blaine School Cafeteria, just north of the Village. There is no charge, and it is open to the public.

The subject will be Crime Prevention and Police Response in Magnolia. Guest speakers will include Capt. Steven Brown of the West Precinct and Teri Johnston, head of crime prevention and Block Watch programs for the Seattle Police Department.

For many years, residents of Magnolia and business owners in the Village have been asking for more police patrols in Magnolia to reduce property crimes and other crimes that have recurred in the community. It has been reported that often at night there is only one patrol car that has to cover both Queen Anne and Magnolia. There are many anecdotal stories about response times to 911 calls from Magnolia that have ranged from 45 minutes to never.

It is to be hoped that this meeting will bring out the facts about crime statistics in Magnolia and the actual police coverage times during a 24-hour period. There is a need for an official response to the widespread general feeling that the police activity and crime-prevention efforts are not commensurate with the tax dollars that Magnolia sends to City Hall.

This MCC general meeting provides that opportunity. There will be ample opportunity for members of the audience to ask the tough questions about their frustrations with criminal activity in Magnolia and the perceived lack of police presence and adequate response times.

The meeting will be run by MCC president Nancy Rogers.[[In-content Ad]]