More mayhem at Queen Anne Dick's: Man stabbed in back of knee

A drunken Renton man in a jealous rage allegedly stabbed a University District man in the back of the knee at the south entrance of the Queen Anne Dick's around 1:45 in the morning on Saturday.

It was a week ago to the day when a shooting that wounded a Queen Anne man took place outside the same restaurant.

The latest attack happened after the victim and a Magnolia woman walking on the street saw the Renton man in a heated argument with his girlfriend next to the Key Bank across the street from Dick's, according to the police report.

The victim and the Magnolia woman were concerned that the Renton man was going to attack his girlfriend, so the victim walked over and tried to intercede. But the Renton man's girlfriend refused any assistance, and the victim and his female friend walked across the street to Dick's.

And just as the victim got to the door at Dick's, the Renton man came up behind him without warning and stabbed him in the back of the knee, according to the police report. An off-duty cop was in the restaurant at the time and wrote in the report that he thought the victim was part of the usual drunken crowd that comes in at the end of the night.

The officer quickly realized he was wrong when he saw the enraged attacker yelling outside and heard the victim say he'd been stabbed, according to the report.

The Renton suspect finally noticed the police officer and took off running, despite the cop's numerous orders to stop. However, the man was detained a short time later, and a knife sheath was recovered on the sidewalk next to Key Bank.

The knife itself wasn't recovered, and the suspect denied having a knife or using one on anyone, according to the report. But the man's girlfriend told a slightly different story.

According to her statements to police, she and her boyfriend were in the Mirabeau Room in the 500 block of Queen Anne Avenue when her boyfriend got upset because he thought she was dancing with other men in the club. According to a neighborhood source, the crowd of people involved in the shooting the week before had also been in the same club.

The two people involved in the latest incident left separately but met up again near the bank, where they shoved each other, the woman told police. Then she claimed that three unknown men came over and assaulted her boyfriend before walking away.

Following that assault, the woman told police, her boyfriend walked back to her car and grabbed a hunting knife with a 6-inch-long blade. "(The girlfriend) states she does not know what happened after that," according to the report.

While the boyfriend, who is in his mid-30s, denied having anything to do with the knife attack, the police report notes his button-down shirt had bloodstains on it.

The shirt was placed into evidence, and the man-who blew a .13 blood-alcohol level-was booked into jail for investigation of assault.

The victim was taken to Harborview Medical Center for treatment.[[In-content Ad]]