Oink if you love opera

McCaw Hall has a new singing star: Rusty the Pig. Created by Seattle Opera Scenic Studios, the Rusmeister was one of 100 pigs decorated for Pigs on Parade 2007, a celebration of the Pike Place Market's 100th anniversary. Seattle Opera master scenic artist Kitty Kavanaugh designed his look; Scenic Studios manager Michael Moore composed the short Italian aria, "La Canzone del Maiale" (The Song of the Pig), for Rusty to sing whenever a passerby gets too near his snout; and baritone John Boehr was persuaded to lend his voice to the new member of the company. On Oct. 12, Rusty (and the other 99 pigs) will be auctioned, with all proceeds benefiting the Market's services for low-income people. [[In-content Ad]]