Scout troops from Mark Twain raise more than $1K

It was such a helpless feeling. We sat riveted to the TV and watched the people struggle after the devastation of the tsunami, wishing we could help but not knowing how. It was in a discussion with our 5th grade Girl Scout Troop, Troop 1071 from Mark Twain Elementary, that we came up with a way that WE could make a difference.

The girls came up with the idea to have a trade fair. They would make crafts, raffle items, and sell food and drinks. All of the proceeds would benefit the tsunami victims. The trade fair, held February 4 and planned by 13 fifth grade girls, raised $1,083.

The help and encouragement just poured in. We asked the entire 5th grade student body to donate their works of art. We were so thankful to those who made cards, soup in a jar, hand-knitted scarves, etc. A fish donated by the Hashimoto family was the highlight at the raffle table.

Children of all ages purchased numerous tickets, all hoping to go home with the prize fish. We raffled "M is for Manners." Three copies of this book along with other fun books, were donated by the illustrator, Jenny Cherif, a mom at the school. Uwajimaya donated a wonderful sushi-making basket and Kent Woodworth donated Sonics tickets to two upcoming games.

Those who were in the mood to paint were lucky enough to work on their own special piggy bank. All of the banks were donated by Karen Getzinger and Girl Scout Troop 251. Girl Scout Leader Kristen Becker-Brown rallied her troop (2400), to host a bake sale.

First grade Girl Scout Troop 1772 hosted a lemonade stand. The dads of Troop 1071 made numerous trips to Costco buying pizza to sell by the slice. It was fun to watch them all pull out their wallets to try and make change for their first customer.

Terri Peltz, who gives so much to the community by leading the Girl Scouts as well as the Boy Scouts, with the help of fellow pack leaders Tonya Bettinger and Davinda Renke, organized Boy Scout Pack 595 to host a game area. Folks of all ages paid a quarter to fish for ducks at the duck pond, toss bean bags, or play other exciting games. Thanks, Boy Scouts!

We are very thankful to the principal at Mark Twain Elementary, Darryl Pernat, for allowing us to use the cafeteria, making school announcements, and supporting us. We even spotted him shopping that night!

Girl Scout Troop 1071 learned one big lesson with the success of the trade fair-we really can make a difference! Troop 1071 consists of 5th graders Joanna Beck, Allison Barstow, Melanie Barstow, Lucy Bettinger, Katherine Cairns, Meghan Dingman, Whitney Dunlap, Kailin Edwards, Alex Hashimoto, Anneke Kneistedt, Audrey Mallinak, Elizabeth Velikanje and Tauri Woodworth and leaders Yvonne Dingman, Stacy Velikanje, and Carolyn Woodworth.

We all want to send out a special thank you to their families who all contributed so much to the success of the evening. Job well done![[In-content Ad]]