Taking care of Twinkie - Dog-care providers offer advice on keeping a healthy, happy pet

People in Seattle own a lot of dogs. Former City Councilmember Judy Nicastro once cited that, on the average, people in our city actually have more dogs than children.

Madison Park is no exception. On any normal day, you can see two or three dogs being walked by their owners just while walking from the grocery store to your car. Dogs enjoy the area, many people and stores in the area are dog-friendly, such as Island Video, which has treats for their customers' dogs.

With so many dogs in the area, one wonders if we're all taking good care of our dogs.


There are a lot of concerns about what dogs eat, so you may be wondering what kind of food Spot should be eating.

Char Smith, who operates Smith's Pet and Home Care, said, "Give your dog a real generic brand, not that fancy designer kind. Their bodies can get acclimated to that fancy stuff if you give it to them and it's hard to get them off it."

Dr. Merle Pierce, who practices at Madison Park Veterinary Hospital, agreed: "You should definitely stay away from food that is labeled 'organic' or 'natural.' There is no definition of 'organic' pet food, and you don't know what's in it. Salt, water and sugar are natural, so companies could use that label on anything. Don't use words to buy anything. Reliable brands like IAMs and Purina are good choices."

Dr. Pierce also offered tips on proper nutrition: "If you want good nutrition, ask the breeder [or where you got the dog] what they recommend. Don't feed them too much. There are a lot of fat dogs these days, just like there are a lot of fat people."


Many experts and owners agree that if you want to help your dog keep the pounds off, a daily walk is extremely important. To add a little extra excitement to your canine's life, take them to an off-leash area. They can keep your dog sociable and friendly.

The nearest off-leash area is at Sand Point Magnuson Park, at Northeast 74th Street and Sand Point Way Northeast.

Aggressive dogs, however, are not welcome.

Dogs also enjoy walking through the Washington Park Arboretum and local parks like Volunteer Park. But remember, leashes are required by law and proper license and identification are essential to having Spot returned in case of an accidental escape.

Another issue to remember when having a dog in the city is the Scoop Laws. Pet owners are required by law to clean up after their dogs, so it's a good idea to carry a supply of plastic bags.

Most dog owners have a technique to keep their hands clean in this process, like putting your hand inside a plastic bag, picking up the pile and pulling the plastic bag back off your hand. And twist, tie and dispose in a garbage can- not your neighbor's recycle bin.

If you take your dog to an off-leash area, you may want to clean them as soon as you get home. According to Dr. Pierce, "A dog should not be bathed more than once a month. Use a mild shampoo, preferably one made for dogs. Many dogs are susceptible to dry skin, so limit baths, use mild shampoo and rinse well."

Doggy day care

Nowadays, if you need someone to take care of your dog while you are away, you have a lot of choices.

"There are a lot of good kennels and caretakers - more than there ever have been before, where they can run around, swim and be with other dogs. Or you can have someone housesit and stay and take care of them," Dr. Pierce said.

For hiring a dogsitter, Smith said, "It's best if they are around someone they know: a friend, neighbor or another dog owner. If the person they are staying with also has a dog, that will help for them stay busy while you're gone and not miss you too much.

"If you are leaving your dog with a caretaker," she added, "let them visit and become acquainted before leaving them."

Michael Powell, a 2004 Roosevelt High School graduate, is an intern with the Madison Park Times.

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