The Center can hold

Remember, in addition to being a dandy meeting place, the Uptown Neighborhood Center at 157 Roy St. (intersection
with Warren) offers some valuable, ongoing resources. You can avail yourself of these simply by walking in, any weekday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Regional reduced-fare permits for senior citizens and disabled persons

Pick up your application for a reduced-transportation-fare permit at the Queen Anne/Magnolia Neighborhood Center inside the UNC. Ask the receptionist for details.

Neighborhood bulletin board

The UNC has a bulletin board with useful information about and for the neighborhood. Categories include: housing, services, employment, buy/sell/barter/exchange and lost-and-found. If you would like to post something on the board, bring it by the main desk at the UNC.

The Book Exchange

Located in the lobby of the UNC, this feature offers local residents a wide range of books, including mysteries, science fiction, literary fiction, history and self-help. The rules are simple: Take a book, read it and bring it back or pass it along to another reader. Donations are always welcome!

Land-use information service

A twice-weekly bulletin announcing land-use applications, decisions, hearings and appeals is posted at the UNC. You can also review it online at

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