Washingtonians ordered to stay at home

As many people were predicting, Monday evening Gov. Jay Inslee ordered all Washingtonians to follow state health officials advice to stay at home unless they fall under the category of essential personnel.

According to Inslee's proclamation, “essential critical infrastructure workers” help “state, local, tribal and industry partners as they work to protect communities, while ensuring continuity of functions critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security.”

Included among these essential critical infrastructure workers are law enforcement, public safety and first responders, including military personnel; doctors, nurses and veterinarians; people supporting grocery stores, pharmacies and other retail that serve food and beverage products; restaurants serving delivery or takeout only; news media personnel; and construction workers.

The stay-at-home proclamation remains in effect until April 6, unless amended.

For the entire list of essential personnel, visit https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/WA%20Essential%20Critical%20Infrastructure%20Workers%20%28Final%29.pdf.