Community center program teaches teens to cook

Community center program teaches teens to cook

Community center program teaches teens to cook

A Seattle teen takes a photo of a meal she learned how to prepare at a meal workshop at the Garfield Community Center recently. She is one of about 10 students participating in a new teen chef program organized by Seattle Parks and Recreation supervisor Jean Lee in partnership with the People’s Popup Pantry. In the program, which is free for students to attend, teens learn how to make a dish taught by a local chef before tasting their creations. Lee said she hopes to expand the program to other community centers throughout the city to benefit more teens, but money is critical. Lee and volunteer/donation coordinator Monica Jones de Borges are trying to raise money for the teen chef program so it can continue and remain free for students. Jones de Borges is also seeking additional chefs to conduct cooking sessions. To learn more, or to donate, go to, or email