A bill to give local communities more say in large renewable energy projects got a public hearing this week, but Washington Rep. Mary Dye, R-Pomeroy, isn’t holding her breath that her sponsored legislation will get a vote out of committee this session.
The King County Council has approved $107 million in funding for 53 conservation projects across the county as part of ongoing efforts to combat climate change.
The Washington Policy Center said Wednesday that it is suing the state Departments of Ecology and Commerce over the agencies’ failure to comply with a state law requiring timely reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.
Seattle’s outdated school construction code is costing more than $2 million a year to fix. The Seattle School Traffic Safety Committee presented its annual update to the Seattle Transportation Committee on Tuesday.
As we prepare to achieve our goals in the new year, it’s crucial to set ourselves up for success by examining the past before diving into the future, and your real estate goals are no exception.
About a month ago my good friend Susan asked me a question. She and I were sitting across from each other at Pegasus and as she reached over to take a chunk of my scone, thief that she is, she asked me what my next book is about.
There was a time when a Hallmark card, a box of chocolates, and a dozen roses were the go-to recipe for a swooning frenzy on Valentine’s Day. Nothing wrong with these standards, but our culture has become more discerning, more practical, and brutally resistant to cliches.
Today, there is often the question – are psychedelic experiences simply hallucinations happening in the brain, or can you access another dimension during a plant medicine journey?
The Northwest Flower & Garden Festival returns to the Convention Center in mid-February, and once again, the Festival is partnering with the Arboretum Foundation to host their annual gala benefitting the Washington Park Arboretum.
As you walk the streets of your neighborhood for a bit of exercise or walking the dog, you will, undoubtedly, see one or two Japanese maples (Acer palmatum or A. japonica) in front yards. Mine happen to be in the back yard where they can receive a bit of protection from the hot afternoon sun. Although I say “grown in the yard,” the smaller, dwarf specimens of these trees can also be grown in containers.
Happy New Year! 2025 brings us a new neighborhood meeting schedule: please note that community meeting times have moved to the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the bathhouse. Meetings will be livestreamed and recorded for later viewing. We invite you to join us for our next gathering on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Conversation will focus on the details of the One Seattle Plan.
If you’ve ever admired our Friends of Madison Park bulletin board outside of the pharmacy or noticed the sidewalk sandwich boards that announce our community meeting dates, then you’ve appreciated the handiwork of Anne Woodford.
After a disaster, if cellular and Internet communications become unstable, your neighborhood Hub — if you have one — will hopefully spring into action, setting up tables and tents with volunteers to help neighbors connect and share needed resources.
King County and Seattle plan to use a combined $134 million to pay for the construction of 1,600 affordable homes.
With so many trends surfing by on our social media feeds these days, it’s difficult to tell what’s worth our attention. Last year, a particular new garden method caught my eye — and by the look of TikTok, I wasn’t alone.
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